Tag Archives: molokai


The Treasure Of Molokai Island And The One Hawaiian Island You Can’t Go to

Many people dream about vacationing to Hawaii, a minimum of once in their lifetime. Conventional and up to date wooden carvings, hand painted leaves, fashions of the HMAV Bounty and the Island’s Longboats, First Day Stamp Covers, hand-made soaps, conventional and up to date woven baskets, hand-made jewellery, tapa material, books, Honey & Honey merchandise and all kinds of keepsakes – there really is something for everyone together with ‘traveller staples’ like Pitcairn Island T-Shirts and Caps.

The Government of Pitcairn Islands is dedicated to making optimal use of the islands’ environmental sources while conserving its pure heritage, distinctive biodiversity and the socio-cultural authenticity of the Legendary Pitcairn Island community.island

The Island Council, comprising a Mayor, Secretary, the Chairman of the Inner Affairs Committee, four elected officials, and two appointed advisers, is responsible for the local government and administration of inside affairs within the Pitcairn Islands, together with decisions on when to visit any of the other islands in the Pitcairn group.

GPI kita design dan rancang sedemikian rupa sehingga diharapkan bisa menjadi salah satu wisata air terbaik di Jawa Timur dengan menawarkan berbagai macam wahana permainan seperti: Pace slide, physique slide, kolam jamur, enjoyable boomerang, kolam bak tumpah,flying fox …